KITCHEN: Stove, refrigerator and sink should be spotless and all workspaces should be clean

BATHROOM/S: Should be neat, spotless and fresh. Repair any broken tiles, reseal around bath and basin if necessary. Put some smelling oil or scents around

WARDROBES AND CUPBOARDS: Have a good clean out. Untidy or overly crowded storage areas can suggest inadequate space

CHILDREN AND PETS: Can distract buyers from thinking positively – keep them busy in another room or out of the house if possible

LAWNS AND YARDS: Remove clutter, mow the lawns, trim path edges, trim hedges and weed gardens

FRONT OF HOUSE: Paint, fix or wash fences, steps, windows, screens and front door

OTHER EXTERIOR: Paint, fix or wash side or back door, gutters, wash windows

GARAGE: Straighten up, paint fix or wash doors and windows

PLUMBING: Repair dripping taps, leaky toilets

LIGHTS: Replace all burned out bulbs and fix faulty switches

HALL AND STAIRS: Remove clutter to give a wide appearance